Thursday, June 30, 2011


Had another great morning workout. 45 minutes of Zumba and a ton of calories burned. Feeling great! I realized last night that I may be addicted to working out. Maybe I'm just addicted to being healthy and feeling great. Who knows, but I don't want to overdo it.

How much is too much? I seriously try to workout at least 90 minutes everyday. This is cardio. It's more when I add strength training. Is this too much? I've noticed that my chest muscles are sore. It's probably from all of those push ups. What to do? I'm trying to slow down, but I feel bad when I don't workout. Is that weird or is this just all a part of the "new me"?

I was stressing about working out this weekend as the family plans a mini-vaca for my son's birthday. I had to see if the resort had a fitness center. This is definitely something new. I'm not complaining, but I would like to hear your opinions.

As far as food is concerned, I am getting closer to being completely vegan. I feel really good too. I've become a label reader (very necessary) and I love it.  I've found so many websites, recipes and books to help me on this part of my journey. Any vegans/vegetarians, feel free to chime in with help as to how to fully transition, etc. I find myself wanting to cook more because I want fresh food, and I'm enjoying trying out all of the new recipes I'm finding.

OAN: the scale said 159 this morning. Can this be? 3 pounds since yesterday? Probably water weight, but I'm logging it anyway. :-) Hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful holiday weekend. Don't overindulge too much!

Love to all xoxoxoxoxo

11/10 - 235lbs
6/29/11 -162lbs
6/30/11 - 159lbs :-)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Today started out great. Got up for my morning workout. Upper body and running. I feel refreshed and ready to tackle this day. I've also decided to start logging my weight. I started this journey at 235 lbs. This was back in November. This morning I weighed in at 162 lbs. I've lost 73 lbs so far. Yay!!!!

Guess you're wondering why this post is titled XL. Well that's because that's what size shirt I have on today. That may not seem like a big deal to some but I was wearing a 3x so this is a big deal to me! My husband told me this morning, "clothes don't lie". I'm excited to be sharing this journey with so many wonderful people and I hope that we all continue to do what's best for ourselves.

Well, that's all for now.

Love to all xoxoxoxo

11/10 - 235lbs
6/29/11 -162lbs

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My weight?????

So it has come to my attention that many of my fellow healthy journey bloggers are posting their weight. I think I need to do that as well, but I am ashamed and afraid. That's the honest truth. Yes, I have lost over 70 lbs, but the fact is, I don't even want to see the number on the scale, let alone share it with the blog-o-verse (is that a word?)

I will think about this one and maybe come to a conclusion by the end of the week. Nicole (Health Nut in Training) weighs in daily. I do that as well, but to log it.....well......we shall see.


*happy dance* I got up and worked out this morning!!!! Yay! Celebrating this small victory. I'm trying really hard to get back to doing this. I find that I feel so much better after I've worked out in the morning. Plus it lets me get to bed at a decent hour at night because I've already completed half of my daily workout.

I'm really excited to start introducting weights into my workout routine. I'm so ready to get rid of these jiggly arms. LOL! I know that weight training is a necessary part of any good workout routine and it's time to get started. I've been using the bands, but I need more.

Another victory is that I have been getting very close to my calorie goal these last few days. *smile* It's hard, but I find that if I have healthy snacks in between meals it helps me to reach my goal.  That being said, I need to make a trip to the grocery store to stock up on snacks.

My birthday is fast approaching and I'm excited. I'm having a bbq and having friends and family over. I love a good party. I'm in search of a vegan bakery in Chicago though. If anyone knows of a good one, I appreciate some help.

Well, time to get some more work done. Hope everyone has a great day!!!

Love to all xoxoxoxoxoxo

Monday, June 27, 2011


Haven't blogged in a couple of days. I've kind of been off the radar so to speak. Not really doing much of anything except working out and trying to eat right. I've fallen off the early morning workout wagon. Which means that I am now attempting to get my hour and a half to two hours in at night which is brutal!

Most days I make it with the 90 minutes, but it is a battle. I need to incorporate more strength/weight training into my routine. I think I'm on track with my cardio, but I need more....Time to buy some weights! :-)

On another note, I lost another 2 lbs. Yay!!!! I'm actually starting to see the difference and not just in pictures. I would love to lose 10 lbs by my birthday which is July 9th. That's 12 days away. Do you think I can do it? It would be nice and I'm definitely going to try, but I won't beat myself up about it if I don't because I will continue to work hard no matter what.

Thank you to everyone who reads this blog and leaves comments. I really appreciate you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.

Love to all.....xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Friday, June 24, 2011

A new outlook

Yesterday ended pretty well despite my morning slacker episode. I slacked today as well on the morning workout, opting instead to workout tonight, just as I did last night and guess what.... I'm ok with it.  I will try to do better tomorrow.  Last night's workout was very intense and I burned a ton of calories. Very encouraging and productive.

I'm learning that I can't measure my success by the success of others. Today I am struggling with pants size. I believe that my pants size should be smaller based on my weight because when I see others who weigh the same and are around my height, they wear a smaller size. Silly isn't it? Oh well, I have to realize that everyone has a different body type, shape, etc. and, most importantly, I need to stop comparing myself with other people. This takes me back to celebrating the small victories. I am 2 pants sizes down from where I started and that is an accomplishment. *insert happy dance here*

On a lighter note, my water consumption has been excellent. :-) I feel so much better knowing that I am drinking the right thing. No sodas, minimal juices, mainly H2O.  Love it!

So today I vow to have a new outlook. No more comparisons. Just do what I know to do to get the results I am hoping for.  Have a great day everyone.

Love to all. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Well I did not workout this morning. I totally feel like a slacker today. I was just really tired and decided it was best to sleep in. Oh well, I guess that just means I will work extra hard tonight. I'm doing better on my calorie consumption, but still not great. I'll have to keep working at it.

On another note, I'm supposed to be running/walking a 5k with my boss in July. I'm kind of excited, but mostly very nervous about it. I mean, can I really do it? Will I give up and then be ashamed? I hope I go through with it and finish it.  Pray for me.

Nothing really new to report. I made vegan cupcakes again last night. They turned out well I think. I had one and only one. Hoping to try out some more vegan/vegetarian recipes this weekend.

Love you all xoxoxoxoxoxo

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Celebrating the small victories!

Got up about 10 minutes late for my morning workout, but still accomplished a lot. I ran for 10 minutes this morning! 10 MINUTES!!!! And I survived. I can't believe it. Now to some people that may not be a big deal, but this is coming from someone who felt like the world was going to end after running 1 minute.

I also worked on my lower body today (squats, jump squats, lunges, etc). I think I've been focusing too much on upper body and I definitely don't want to do that. Balance is the key. I'm looking for some serious core exercises. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Also, hubby and I have decided to go to the local park (which has a track) and start walking/jogging about twice a week at first and then building up.  This gets us out of the house, gives the kids a chance to play and us a great workout! :-)

Well, there's my small victory for today. Very exciting stuff.
Love to all xoxoxoxoxoxo

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Slow and steady

This morning was great! I woke up (slowly) and got a good workout in (cardio and running, with a little boxing). Loved it!!!! I then had to face the dreaded scale. Well, guess what, it was good to me.....I lost 5 pounds. :-) My total weight loss so far is 70 lbs. I still want to lose about 50 lbs, but I am well on my way to my goal.

Celebrating the small victories is important. I am doing well with my eating and motivated to exercise. That's a victory! My husband keeps me motivated with eating right, working out and not speaking negative. He went off on me the other day because I keep calling myself fat. I really needed that. I am determined now to see myself differently and to stop being a "Negative Nancy".

Hope everyone has a great day. More later......

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday, Monday.....

Well it's Monday. It's raining and I'm a bit tired. I was up this morning, but didn't get my workout in because I had a sick child. Oh well, I will have to work extra hard tonight. On another note, today is my dad's birthday. He passed away almost 2 years ago and I miss him terribly. The whole weekend was kind of a downer and I don't like feeling down. So today, I'm going to honor my dad's memory by picking myself up, dusting myself off and getting back to business.

I'm having coffee with Silk french vanilla creamer right now and I'm loving it! This journey has really helped me to understand some things about myself. I'm an overachiever, I like a challenge and I want to finish what I start. :-) With that being said, I will become a healthier version of myself, I will reach my goal weight and I will maintain it! There, I've said it, I've declared it and, with God's help, I will achieve it!

Another thing I learned this weekend is that dairy is a migraine trigger. I've suffered from migraines since high school and never really paid attention to why I get them other than stress. This weekend I tested a theory and noticed that when I tried to introduce dairy into my system I got a migraine. So I have to stay away from dairy, not only because of my lactose issues but because migraines SUCK!

I still hate the scale, but it's necessary, I guess. I am noticing how different I look in pictures. That's kind of my way to gauge my success. Yes, I know it's weird, but right now that's the only way I can "see" the weight loss. I do feel better, healthier, have more energy and can do things I didn't think I could do (like run), but my eyes need the pictures right now. Don't judge me! ;-)

Hoping for a great week of eating right, exercising and learning more about myself. Hope you have a great week as well.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Grateful for another day.

Yesterday was not one of my best days. This weekend is Father's Day and Monday is my dad's birthday. My dad passed away and I miss him terribly. I spent the day yesterday thinking about him and how great he was. Needless to say, there was no evening workout. Too stressed and tired.

Today is a new day and though I still miss my dad I know that bs wouldn't want me wallowing in sorrow so I've picked myself up, dusted myself off and gotten back on the horse. Had a great workout this morning and looking forward to some more tonight. We are going to Red Robin for dinner. I'm thinking a salad since I am craving fresh veggies!

Thanks for reading everyone. Looking forward to more weight loss and an overall healthy life.

Love to all. xoxoxoxo

Friday, June 17, 2011


Well I worked out again this morning. Awesome workout too. 1 hour of Zumba and I ran again for 5 minutes. Not sure when I'm going to add time to the running, but I'm enjoying the fact that I can run at all so we shall see.

I'm learning a lot about myself and my body which is a good thing. This morning I had an egg white omelette with veggies and a bit of cheese. BIG mistake. I'm not sure if it was the omelette or the cheese, but now I'm sick. Threw up and everything. Won't be doing that again.  I think I'll stick to vegan cheese and lay off the egg whites for now.

I'm working on this 3000 push up challenge with a friend and it's pretty exciting. I'm doing 100 push ups a day for 30 days. Needless to say my arms HURT! I'm going to finish though. When this is done I'm going to have killer arms. YES!!!! I'm also still doing 200 crunches a night (another challenge). My abs hurt, but not as bad as my arms.  Hope I start to see results soon.

I'm still struggling with eating enough calories. I've amped up my workouts, but I know I'm not eating enough and I am sabotaging my weight loss. I'm not happy about that at all. I seem to be at a holding pattern which kind of depresses me. I've got to get out of this slump. So I'm determined to find out EXACTLY how many calories I need to eat to maximize weight loss and then eat.

Thanks again for all of your words of encouragement and support.  I truly do appreciate it. This blog helps me to be accountable and that is a huge deal.

xoxoxox Love to all.....

Thursday, June 16, 2011


The other day my boss told me that I was looking "skinny". A compliment, right? Of course it is, but because I'm a thinker, I started to analyze what he said. I know that he meant it in the best possible way, but after saying thank you, I started to think....wait a minute....technically, I am still obese (yep I said it). So, if at this point in my journey I am looking skinny but I'm obese, how BIG was I before???

Don't get me wrong people, I appreciate all of the compliments, encouraging words and reports of my looking "skinny", but after thinking, I looked at some old photos and WOW!!! I was huge. This decision to get healthy and lose weight was one of the best decisions I have ever made and I don't ever want to go back to the person in those before photos again.

I'm loving the new me and look forward to seeing all of the changes that will come. One day I truly will be "skinny". :-)

New things.....

As I shared excitedly last night, I've started running slowly. I'm very happy that I am doing this as I've never been one to run. I get winded so easily, but I've noticed that I'm learning to breathe and as the weight comes off it's getting easier. I ran again this morning for 5 minutes. Now that may not seem like a lot to some of you, but for me, that is huge. Baby steps......Also did some cardio and strength training. This morning workout thing just may be my "new thing".

Also, I bought a book "Living Vegan for Dummies". Now I don't consider myself a dummy by any means (smile), but when it comes to being vegan, there are a few things I can learn. Also the book has several recipes that I can't wait to try.  I still haven't committed to being fully vegan (as I sit here eating my Honey Nut Cheerios, with Silk), but I am certainly committed to doing the best I can. Dairy is not my friend, that is for sure, so introducing dairy back into my diet would be a major #FAIL. I may just end up being a "dairy-free" vegetarian, but we shall see. Titles don't really matter. What matters is I am doing what is best for my body. I'm eating healthy, exercising and feeling FABULOUS!

Until later my friends......

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Super excited!!!!

Today I accomplished two things that I really wanted to do. 1. I got up early and worked out for an hour before work; and 2. I ran!!!!! It was only 5 minutes but I'm so stoked! I really want to be a runner. I pushed myself and I did it. The plan is to try to increase my time slowly but steadily.

Well I just wanted to share that. Time for bed. Early morning workout tomorrow....

It's a neeewwww day (in my Jennifer Hudson voice)

Good morning all! Well today was the first day that I got up to workout before work and guess what......I love it! I did an hour of Zumba and burned a ton of calories all before the sun came up! I can really get into this. I'm getting such good feedback from this blog and so much encouragement. Thank you again.

However, I am having a struggle. I'm having a hard time eating enough calories. I know that I need to eat the proper amount of calories to lose weight, but I just can't seem to get them all in. Any thoughts or suggestions would be most helpful.  On another note, I've just about had it with people who are telling me not to focus on weight loss. Now I know the goal is for me to be healthy, but in order for me to do that I need to lose WEIGHT! I am obese. Not thick, big-boned or any other cliche one may use to avoid the term OBESE. My bmi is well over what it should be so in order for me to be the new and healthy me,  I have to worry about my weight.

I've changed my eating habits, I've changed my exercise habits and my goal is in sight. I won't stop eating right and exercising after I reach my goal weight because this is my life now. It's not a passing phase or a "diet", this is my LIFE.

So for those of you who don't have to worry about your weight, "hats off to you", but for me, weight is an issue and it's blocking me from being the best me I can be. So I will continue this journey and strive to be the best me that I can be.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy Dance....

The scale was kind to me today. Lost 3 more pounds. Today I actually feel thinner lol! Seriously, I've decided to amp up my workout plan and workout morning and evening (with short bursts in between while I'm at work). Trust me this is not going to be easy, but I'm determined.  The hardest part is going to be letting the bed go at 4:00 a.m. to workout. But hey, no pain, no gain, right?

I really appreciate the feedback that I am getting and am so grateful for all of your support. This journey would be a lot harder without wonderful people who support and encourage me. In about two weeks I will be putting on a bathing suit for the first time in a very long time. GASP!!! My son's birthday party is at a water park. Although I'm not at my goal weight, I will wear that suit with my head held high, because last year this time, I wouldn't have dreamed of putting on a bathing suit.

I've been looking at some old pictures of myself and I can't believe how out of control I was! Yes, people, it was bad. Thank God for the change of mind and heart to get healthy. That is no way to live. Overweight, tired, depressed.

At the end of the day I'm doing this for me. Sure, the compliments are nice, but having a new outlook on life, knowing that I am doing what's best for me and seeing the results not only physically, but mentally and emotionally, that's WINNING!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bikini Body????

Well not quite, but I'm working on it! I hope to wear a bikini sometime next year, somewhere....

Seriously, I am really enjoying the whole healthy journey. I love reading other blogs about becoming fit and healthy and I've become a research queen and a label reading junkie. It's all good though. I've encountered some negativity along the way, but I keep pressing because I've decided that I have to do this for me. Not for anyone else. I've tried to lose weight before because I thought that people would like me better if I were skinny. Well those days are over. Like me or not, this journey is about me.

I'm disappointed that the belly dance class I wanted to take was canceled, but I'm just going to look for another class. I'm really hoping to find a kickboxing class I can take without actually having to join a gym. Also, I will be joining the gym at my job very soon. My boss will be my personal trainer and I'm glad because I know it'll be great (hard, but great)

Losing my vegan powers

I don't know how many of you have seen "Scott Pilgrim" but there is a scene in the movie where one of the villians drinks coffee with milk and subsequently loses his "vegan powers". Funny scene, but not so funny in my life. Yes, I am embarking on a vegan journey, no I am not perfect and I may just lose my vegan powers. It's kind of hard cutting out "all" dairy and eggs. Now for you hard-core vegans, I know you may say it's not, but let me just keep it real right now and say YES IT IS! In no way am I going back to meat, but cutting out dairy and eggs is harder than I expected. I'm not going to give up though. Just slowly weening my way out of it.

Also, has anyone else noticed how expensive it is to buy non-dairy, vegan products. I know, no pain, no gain right??? Ok, but I'm going to need a second job. LOL. Seriously, I will eat vegan as much as possible, and stay vegetarian forever. Once, I am completly dairy and egg free (if ever), I will certainly blog about it.

On another note, I'm down another 3 pounds. YAY!!!!! This journey is a hard one, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy right? I'm committed and thankful for the support and encouragement I get from my family and friends. Today's another day and it may just be a vegan day (who knows). It will certainly be a healthy day!

Love you all!!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

A not so great day.....

Yesterday was not one of my better days. I felt, for lack of a better word "FAT". Now don't get me wrong, I am doing well in my journey, but there are some days when I get discouraged with the number on the scale. I guess that's why they say you shouldn't weigh yourself everyday. Well I had been doing that and the number was not going down. BOOO!!!! But, today is a new day and I have to get over yesterday and move forward into my today.

I've decided to kick up my exercise routine and try to work out an hour or two a day. Impossible you say???? Well, it will be hard and I don't know exactly how I'm going to do it yet, but at least I'm thinking about it right? ;-)  This is going to require me getting up early (ugh) and working out before work and then staying up late to work out before bed.  Dedication and determination is what this is going to take. Pray for me.

I need to post some before and after pics soon. I am so excited to have a place to jot down my thoughts and just talk about my journey. I hope it's not too boring.  I subscribe to several blogs now about healthy eating, veganism and exercise. They are very enlightening, entertaining and informative.

Thank you for reading. Feel free to leave comments and give helpful advice. I appreciate it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

More of my story

So here I am trying to find out how to get to this new me. Trying to figure out how to become the me I was meant to be (in my body). You know the "skinny girl" inside of me? I'd dabbled with being vegetarian during college and was happy with the way it made me feel, but I wanted/needed more. Thank God for Wii. I started "working out" with the Wii and found that I liked it. First, Wii Fit, then Wii Active, etc.  I began to change my eating habits (i.e. no fried foods, less bread, no soda, etc) and noticed a difference in the way I felt as well as the way I looked.

About 3 months ago (I think) I decided to go vegetarian and also took a 30 day vegan challenge from PETA. After the 30 days I tried to go back to strictly vegetarian, but realized my body couldn't handle it. Eggs were ok, but dairy did a number on me. Sooooo.......I'm slowly phasing eggs and dairy out of my diet. Of course there are the occasional slip ups, but my body lets me know when it's not happy. I'm determined to be happy, healthy and fit.

This pretty much sums up the beginning (well mostly) and brings me to today. From here on out I will be blogging my journey to a healthier me. Thanks for coming along with me. :-)

New to this blogging & this story

I have been overweight and unhealthy most of my life. I was an overweight kid who became obsessed with dieting because everyone around me was thin. I've been on probably every diet you can name and a few you can't but nothing really lasted. This obsession with dieting and being thin led me to an eating disorder in high school (anorexia/bulimia) which spiraled out of control and eventually led me to ballooning back up to my starting weight with some extra weight thrown in.

Fast forward some years, I become a Christian, get delivered from low self-esteem, rejection, etc, but still struggle with my weight. I needed to learn to be happy with myself as I was before I could tackle my weight issues. Being happy to be me, has led me to this place I'm at right now. Married with four children of course packed on the pounds. Was I happy about it? No, but I hadn't made up my mind to do anything about it. I dieted of course, but there was no firm decision in my mind that being healthy was more important than being "skinny" (which of course I want to be lol)

............more to come