Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The dreaded elliptical.....dun, dun, dunnnnn!

Good afternoon all. I hope that you are doing well. I may not have shared this with you, but I DO NOT like the elliptical. I understand that it is a good way to get in cardio, but it's just boring to me. I try to use it as little as possible, opting for Zumba (for wii), exercise dvd's and exercise tv.

Yesterday, I decided to try it again to see if maybe I wasn't giving it a fair shake. Well, I stayed on that thing for 50 minutes and the best thing was finishing. Yep, I still don't like it. My husband has decided that I just don't like any exercise machines, but that isn't the case. I would much rather have a treadmill. With that being said, how do you feel about the elliptical? Is there any way to make it less boring? I put on my ipod and listen to some great music, but I just can't get into it. Oh well, I guess it's no big deal. What I'm doing seems to be working and you know what they say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

In other news, I tried on some pants yesterday because I told my husband that I could fit them, and guess what....I almost do!!!!! They only come as far as the middle of my butt, but hey, that's a start. So now my goal is to get into these pants (all the way). They are a 7/8. I will post a pic when I can wear these pants comfortably. :)

Welp, that's all for now. One more thing, if you are on Facebook, it would be great if you could like my new page, "New Me/Healthy Me". Thanks everyone.

Love to all. xoxoxoxoxo


  1. Congratulations on the half-butt pants! I am not a fan of very much at the gym either. I do all the machines, though, because I know my body needs it. What helps me with the eliptical is having someone to talk to. Do you have someone you like to chat with at the gym? It makes the time go by.

  2. Thanks for the comment. We actually have an elliptical at home so my whole family is here when I'm on it. I do find that if the tv is on, I'm a little less bored. Maybe that's the key. I need something to distract me while I'm on the machine. Gonna try that next time. Thanks again.
