Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy to be me!

Good Monday morning all! I hope that everyone is well and that you are still on your incredible journey to health and well-being. People decide to lose weight for various reasons: to be healthy, to be skinny, to fit into some clothes they once could fit in, and the list goes on. I embarked on this journey of health and well-being because I needed to be healthy and happy.

I am please to say that I have learned to be happy with who I am. There is no one like me. There may be imitators, there may be those who even look or act similar to me, but there is only one "me". The same is true for you. You are unique. If you are on a journey to health or about to embark on a journey, please know that you are one of a kind. You cannot and will not be like anyone else, so don't try. There is a quote that I really like by Dr. Seuss: "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

Love yourself! Celebrate yourself! Change what you need to change. Know that change is possible and that you can make changes in your life. Find what works for you and stick with it. Know that you can respect and hear the opinions of others without adopting them as your own. Be yourself.

Okay, I guess, I'm done now. Sorry to be preachy today. I hope you have a wonderful week and that you reach the goals that you have set. Love to all.



  1. Go on with your "preachy" self! HAHA I'm so proud of you and all that you've accomplished! And yay for both of us and how much we've grown. We are amazing women!

  2. Thank you Nicole. We really are amazing! :)
