Wednesday, July 6, 2011

3 more days....

Hello all. Well my birthday is 3 days away. I set a goal for myself to be 150 lbs by then. This morning the scale was holding steady at 155. Oh well, I will keep working. It ain't over until it's over, right?

In other news, had a great workout this morning. Zumba in the morning is a perfect way to get your heart pumping and energize you for the day ahead. Do I sound like a commercial? I love ZUMBA!

The more weight I lose, the more I seem to notice this ugly loose skin. Ugh! This has to go! I don't see myself being able to afford skin removal surgery any time soon, so I am going to work my butt off (literally) to tighten up this skin.

I really need to do better with eating. I'm eating good, healthy food, just not enough of it. I don't want my weight loss to stall so I have to get my calories in everyday. Encouragement and advice would be helpful.

I found a recipe for eggless mayonnaise last night and I'm so eager to try it. I will be making some this Friday. It says it should keep for 2 weeks. I hope it turns out alright. It will be a whole lot cheaper than buying it from the local health food store.

Well, I'm kinda chatty this morning, but I need to get some work done.  I'll be back.....

Love to all xoxoxoxoxo


  1. Ok.. I haven't been keeping up with your blog but I love the post!!!! How long have you been losing what was your starting weight? (If u don't mind me asking) because I was 196 now I'm 169 but I want to lose 40 to 45 more lbs but I hate dieting Smh I NEED HELP!!!! LBVS...

  2. I've been on my journey since November 2010. I started at 235. Not dieting, but changed my eating habits and started working out consistently. Find what works for you and keep at it. Once I made up my mind that this is what I needed to do, I just did it. I fall off the wagon sometimes, but I just get up, dust myself off and start again. It's hard work, but it's worth it. Thanks for reading.
