Monday, July 25, 2011

Weight Training.....

The number on the scale was 143. I'm happy with that. Slow and steady. That's my motto. I'd really like some advice on weights. I want to start lifting. Not to bulk up, but to tone up. Does anyone have a favorite brand of weights? A good weight workout (is that what it's called lol). What size weights should I start of with. I have some 2-3 pound weights, but they are not doing anything. ;-) I know I need heavier weights to accomplish my goal.

Also, kettlebells...anyone have any experience with them? I'd like to give them a try, but would love to hear your experiences. Not much going on with me. Just trying to stay on the right track, eating right (and eating enough), exercising (cardio and strength training) and getting enough rest (easier said than done).

I've been under the weather the last couple of days and my eating, exercising and sleeping has suffered in the process. Not feeling 100% today, but I will press. I actually slept a lot yesterday because I just didn't feel right. Didn't work out this morning because I was sleeping (and enjoying it). I'm hoping I feel better so that I can get a good workout in this evening. Zumba is on the menu for today. :-)

Hope everyone is well and that you are continuing on your journey to a healthier you. I look forward to your comments, advice and encouragement. Keep up the good work. We are in this for the long haul. :-)

Love to all xoxoxoxoxo


  1. You are really doing incredible! I'm so proud of you!

    Okay, I've done a lot of weight training but I'm not good with specifics. I would say though that a great plan is to focus on your muscle groups one day per week. So do back & biceps one day, chest & triceps one day, legs one day, and I think shoulders is another option. Not sure if you can add that in somewhere else. And do abs everyday.

    Now as far as actual exercises, I do know some, but they're from my trainer and I feel unqualified to give you advice on them. But I would say google "bicep exercises" on youtube and see what you find. Once you have an idea of the workouts you want to do, go to the store and try weights. I have a pair of 15lb dumbbells here at home that I use. And I use 10lb ones for other things.

    I have done the kettlebells with my trainer a few times and I really loved them! No help other than that though.

    Keep up the great work. Hope you feel better.

  2. Nicole, thank you so much. That means a lot to me. You inspire me.

    Hubby and I plan on buying weights this weekend so your comment and suggestions are so very helpful. Yes, to abs everyday! LOL! I am noticing that I'm starting to get a lot of loose skin in that area. Not really happy about it, but oh well.

    Thinking about picking up some kettlebells as well, along with a video. Will let you know if I do that.

    I am feeling much better, thank God!

    Thanks again for everything.
