Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Denial hinders progress.

You always hear that the first step to getting help for an addiction (problem) is to admit that you have a problem. Well this holds true for weight loss, healthy living, etc. Let's not live in denial. As long as we deny that we have a problem with overeating and as a result are overweight, we can't progress. "Hi, my name is Shontill and I am overweight." Collectively now..."Hi, Shontill."

Seriously. We overeat for various reasons: stress, grief, joy, the love of food, etc. But when we make excuses for our lack of self-control and our lack of exercise we are not helping ourselves. Figure out why the unhealthy habit is there and then work to change it. Sometimes we blame others, sometimes we say "well if I had a gym membership", or if I had more time....blah, blah, blah.

I don't have a gym membership. I work full-time and have a family (a husband and four kids). Time is precious, but my health is important to me. Yours should be too. Some of the time we spend on social networks (i.e. Facebook, Twitter) can be spent exercising and/or preparing healthy meals. Too preachy? Maybe, but there has to come a point in our lives where we stop making excuses and just do it. Nike had the right idea. Don't think about it, "JUST DO IT!"

You can change your eating habits, you can exercise, you can adapt a healthier lifestyle overall. If you want to. You can't do it for anyone else but yourself. Your motivation has to come from within, not without. If you "love" to eat and are too lazy to exercise, chances are it is reflected in your health. Admit that and change that.

Yes, I want to be "skinny". I admit it. But more than anything, I want to be healthy. I have a family and friends that I want to be around for. I don't want to have health issues related to my weight. Diabetes and high blood pressure run in my family. There is no need for me to add fuel to the flame by being unhealthy and overweight.

Do I have it all figured out? Not at all. I'm still learning everyday, making mistakes and I welcome advice all the time. But, I've spent the better part of my life making excuses, ignoring my problems and just letting life pass me by. No more of that.

I apolgoize if this is not what you wanted to read, but I believe that sometimes we need a little nudge (kick in the butt) to get going. Consider this my nudge to you. You can do it! I know you can. Let's get it!

Love to all xoxoxoxoxo

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